ArXiv app for Android
By Ian
I don’t regularly look up new papers on my phone, preferring the ease of checking them on my desktop at work. However when travelling or attending a conference it can be very handy to be able to quickly pull up some paper you half remember in the middle of a conversation.
As an Android user for a while now, the options were previously limited to navigating to the arxiv website which doesn’t really scale well onto a phone screen, and manually searching for the right paper, or scanning the new list. For a while there has been an iPhone app called arXivew which listed the latest papers and allowed you to easily download and view the one you wanted.
Now, there is an Android app to compete.
ArXiv Droid, released in June by Jack Deslippe, performs admirably, listing all the new papers in each category, including sub-categories like astro-ph.CO for cosmology. You can select categories as favourites for easy access and easily select and view the abstracts of papers. Papers are viewed using the builtin pdf viewer so your mileage may vary depending on whether you mind scrolling around the page. Handily the app prominently displays the size of the pdf before it is downloaded, in case data limits are tight. Paper titles can be shared via the usual methods, but there doesn’t currently seem to be a way to select papers as favourites, or to see a log of the last abstracts viewed (there is a list of pdfs viewed). However, having seen the progress made in just the last few months, I would look forward to seeing something like this in the future.

With the exception of the problems of viewing A4 sized pdfs on such a small screen, this app does a great job of getting you to the papers you want fast when you are away from your desk. As the proliferation of tablets, e-readers and mobile units continues, I think the arXiv might have to consider some kind of additional format suitable for use on these devices. A quick fix might be to just compile the LaTeX with the geometry of the page changed to A5 or smaller. This would obviously still not allow the reflowing of text which is a key feature of e-readers, and would probably mess up a lot of formatting rich papers.
Until this problem is solved arXiv Droid is an admirable app which helps you stay on top of the deluge of research now flooding the arXiv every day. Get it in the Android Market from this link or by scanning the QR code.